Our Mission

Here in Northern New York we love to snowmobile. The St Lawrence County Snowmobile Association (SLCSA) is a membership of snowmobilers and outdoor enthusiasts, who are committed to educate the public about the sport of snowmobiling, enhance the riding experience in our area, promote safety, and provide opportunities for family recreation.

SLCSA’s volunteers are dedicated to provide a quality trail system that is well identified, well-groomed, and maintained in an environmentally responsible manner so that future generations will be able to enjoy nature thru snowmobiling as generations have done in the past.

By belonging to a snowmobile club, you are helping to support the sport and assisting in providing good trails. You also have the opportunity to share the fun and fellowship of snowmobiling with others.

The St Lawrence County Snowmobile Association is devoted to Family, Friends and Fun!


About Our Association

The St. Lawrence County Snowmobile Association was formed in 1974 and has grown to 10 dedicated snowmobile clubs across the county, and over 2000 memberships under the umbrella of the St Lawrence County Snowmobile Association. Our organization was brought together by a passion for snowmobiling, and linked together by a serious commitment to enhance the sport of snowmobiling in St Lawrence County in a manner that is safe and respectful of the State’s land and natural resources.

We are a "not for profit organization" that have volunteered our service to local businesses, communities and St Lawrence County for 41 years.

Our Association works in conjunction with Private landowners and State DEC toward improving trails and interacting with to ensure that our trails remain both safe and accessible.

We also partner with the NYSSA (New York State Snowmobile Association) to help improve our trail system and support our voice across the state and in Albany.

Thanks to private landowner’s permission for access, and volunteers who maintain the routes, anyone can enjoy these trails. Snowmobile Club members not only enjoy riding the trails they are also responsible for maintaining them. We ask that you try and make it to one of our trail parties to assist in getting the trails ready for the season.

Our association and local clubs currently operates 17 Large Groomers and spend many volunteer hours’ spring, summer, and fall to maintain and sign trails preparing before the first snowflake falls. We take great pride in making our trails the best they can be!

We invite you to join our group of active snowmobile enthusiasts, get to know us and make this your personal trail system!


We Groom you Zoom!



Team work

The snowmobile trail program in St Lawrence County is dependent on the generosity of landowners who allow the placement of the trails on their property.  It is critical that all snowmobilers appreciate this special relationship and treat the landowners’ properties as they would their own.

Help keep landowners happy by:

SLCSA  •  PO Box 421  •  Canton NY 13617  •  315 265-0898